Amy:Hello Moonlight
Welcome to my Blog
This is for my IST assignment :)
i will be talking about computers


Name: Jessica B
Location: Australia
School: CMA
Likes: Going to the City, Capitols&Cocos, Shopping, Editing Pictures,
hates: Being Sick :(

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February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010



Old Skinns
Version.1 - [Oh'Seven]

[Alex] [Mariel] [Maxinne] [Claudia] [Monica J] [Danica] [Emily] [Louisa] [Marjorie] [Jessica P] [Aakriti]

MY SUPER AWESOME IPT CLASS :) -still adding-

ZOMG Press Refresh and the image changes :D

Office Live
Thursday, March 26, 2009
10:06 AM
What is Office Live
A free online workplace where users can store and share documents and files where other users from the same group can edit the document online. It can be accessed on a computer or mobile phone that has access to the internet

The computer doesn't need Microsoft office for it to work, just a webbrowser to open the website.

Impacts of Office Live
I think people will start working from home as they can use the internet to communicate, submit work or share work.
It will be easier as people don't need to print out and physically submit work (print) as they can submit it online and can be view anywhere and only to the people within a business.
It's also has a user who can control who can edit the file and who can only look at the file, This makes it easier and reliable to use as information can't be alter by anyone only people from the same group.


Myspace - Impact of information systems
Monday, March 16, 2009
10:19 AM
Tools for carrying out information processes
·Hardware devices, including LCD displays, printers, flash memory, network storage, digital projectors

Hardware devices used for myspace are :
-A computer to view the data that is collected from the user.
-Flash memory to store data.
-Network storage from backup data files for myspace.
-Mobile phones can be used to access myspace



Myspace - Impact of information systems
Sunday, March 15, 2009
7:51 PM
-Responsibility of Developers
--the impact of systems on participants and users
--the difference between human-centered and machine-centered systems
-Global Issues

Responsibility of Developers
The developers are responsible to keep the social network safe as possible for all users and keep all personal details safe from other users. The impact of systems on participants and users is the security participants offer the users. As myspace is a social network it allows everyone in the public to join the website and this also includes people who are not what they say they are as it is 'cyberworls'. The developers of myspace allow users to be public or private. Public accounts are open to everyone on the internet shows the full profile of an individual revealing all informationa and images of them. Private users only show minimal information to the public. A small rezied image of the individual,age,location and gender. No other images or information can be viewed. The difference between human-centered and machine-centered systems within myspace is that the developers are the human-centered systems are usually the participants of myspace. These people interact with the users if they have any quesitions or complains about myspace. They are responsible to help users use the social network and understand the website. Machine-Centered systems are used to reject or account information. An example of this is signing up for the website it can either accept the information provided of reject. The difference between the two is that human-centered systems help users and can also improve the website. Machine centered only control what is inputted for the website.

The developers are not resposible for the false information they collect.

Global Issues
Global main issues for myspace include the security of a user and hacking (phishing). Myspace can reveal many information about an individual, and this causes global issues as the security of a user is accessable if the individual reveals too much information. Many reports have cyberbullying within myspace. Causing conflict to arise, as other people can see comments, pictures and information about an individual and people can be offended by what they see. Stalking within myspace can happen, this happens globally as myspace reveals the location and school of an individual.



Myspace - Impact of information systems
Friday, March 13, 2009
2:19 PM
Team Members :Mariel, Alexandra, Jessica.B

I have to find information on -
· privacy of the individual
· security of data and information
· accuracy of data and information

Privacy of an Individual
-Myspace collects personal information such as Name, Age, Address, School, Birthday, telephone number and other personal information. But not all details are required such as telephone number and home address. Myspace allows a user to choose to make their profile private or public. Does not collect information from children under 13 therefore cannot sign up. The main details they collect that is required to sign up include First name, last name, postal code, gender and date of birth. PII (personal information identifiable) is the information provided and myspace uses information provided for things that the user paricipates in application such as suverys or games. Individuals can hide certain information from the public, information such as birth dates, location etc.

Security of Data and information
-In 2005 myspace suffered from a virus that formed phishing (attemping to steal individuals information, like usernames and passwords) on the website. Example are of fake users sending messages to random users of links that are phish. Some are pretend websites that look like the real website where users input there user and password.
In 2007 myspace has changed the extrnal links to increase the security within the social networking site. Msplink domain is redirected when users click on links and this domain will detect with a website is phishing.

Accuracy of data and information
The accuracy of data and information within myspace is low. This is due to the age limit of 13 years old. This allows users to use fake details in order to create accounts. Not only the age limit but there are also users who fake information details as myspace is a free social networking site and anyone can create an account. Some people also create fake accounts for personal use. Also fake accounts can come from phising websites inorder to corrupt the social networking website.


Information Processors
Thursday, March 5, 2009
10:41 AM
Storing and retrieving
Transmitting and Receiving


The different kinds of processors within a information system. Coast PD is a easy way to remember the differeent types.



10:29 AM
Spreadsheets have many uses which include creating information systems such as markbooks, salary timetables and more. It can also calculate the all the different calculations within each kind of information system by using different kinds of formulas depending on what needs to be calculated. The use of '=' sign is used in the beginning of a formula to tell the spreadsheet program that a formula is going to be used.

Relative Reference
Used to tell the computer to use the same formula for one cell to be used on another cell. This can be achieved by clicking on a cell and on the bottom right corner of the cell there is a black box that can be dragged down. This tell this computer to use the name forumla

Absolute Reference
Uses the symbol '$' to tell the computer to use the same cell when the code is used for another cell.

Auto Fill
A feature where the a spreadsheet will automatically fill a cell depending on what is inputted into the first cell. For example one cell had 'Monday' if you drag the little black box to other cells it will add Tuesday, Wednesday etc. This can also work with numbers and months.
